RAH 2017: D'Ennery - Gonaïves
Feb 20, 2017 - An 18 mile run, 5:15am start, and a beautiful riverbed to lead us to our next city. Please continue to support Team Tassy's goal of raising $200,000 for jobs in Haiti. My personal goal is to raise $5,000 toward this cause, you can donate by clicking the link below:
I started today not feeling relaxed because of lack of sleep. For the past 3 months I have had a cough that I cannot get rid of after multiple rounds of prescriptions from doctors. I am relieved (however unfortunate) to hear that Brandy, another runner from Canada, has been having the same issues. Thankfully it does not affect either us when we are runnning, however when we are relaxed we both have the same cough. That cough is what kept me up last night and prevented me from being as rested as possible.
Last year this run was the start of my injury, I wasn't feeling good and walked most of the run in 2016 in the sweltering heat. This year, the story is different. I ran all but 200 meters today as my legs didn't want me to stop. As I was approaching the 10km check point I was running on my own with a police escort following slightly behind me. This police vehicle was driving by our hotel as we were starting the race and asked why where all gathering outside at 5:00am. We told them that we were running to Jacmel and raising money for Haitian families, they then decided to follow along for the entire race. This was something that was not planned by our race directors and was just nice people doing a nice thing. Then the police stayed to the back of the pack where I was and had their lights on and were encouraging us to run strong. With their help I pushed forward in the line and reached the 10km, I felt so good I didn't have to stop.
With my spirits high and my legs going I met up with the pack of people a head of me. This was Sam, Bethany, and Jamah (Jay) who were cruising at a comfortable 10:45 minute/mile. This was a push for me to keep pace, by running with this group was my best experience and we have deemed outselves 'The Wolf Pack'. Accompanied by howling and way too many puns, we ran smooth through the heat and made great time at each check point. We never broke up, we encouraged each other, matched pace with whoever needed to slow down, and got through the day together.
I am so thankful that God put these people in my life for this run. The heat tends to make you doubt, and make you want to throw in the towel, but God has a way of putting people in you life when you need them. It is also a blessing that 2 of them have been attending the devotions I have been leading in the evenings. When I needed a push, Sam was there to push me to keep moving, when I needed encouragement, Bethany was there to provide it, and when I needed to laugh or understand what people were yelling at us, God put Jay in my life. Jay is fluent in creole and would translate for us. This wolf pack made all difference in the hot sun today and I am so thankful for them.
Tonight we are going to rest up and prepare for the desert day. This is the leg of the race that chewed me up and spit me out last year. It is hot, boring, and long. I pray that this wolf pack will stick together through this. Please continue to support the people of Haiti by donating to this group. The work that will be done with the donations will change lives and put people into jobs. Team Tassy is making a huge impact in this country and you have an opportunity to be part of it. This doesn't mean you have to strap on the shoes and run across the country, you can just enter an amount and hit donate. It's that simple.
God bless you all and thank you for your continued support.
Our police escort
The wolf pack + a Haitian (left to right - Jay, Haitian kid, Sam, Bethany, and Myself)
Doctor Stefan at 15km check point
Kevin and Josh at the finish