Zack MorgansComment

RAH 2017: First Blog

Zack MorgansComment
RAH 2017: First Blog

With today marking the completion of my 28th year on this wonderful planet, I have decided to use this day to make a difference. Today I am asking for donations for my Run Across Haiti this year instead of any gifts or cards. I have been blessed with excess and there is not one physical thing I could name that would go on a birthday wish list. So I would like you to consider giving to Team Tassy's efforts in Haiti by clicking here.

Most of you know that Haiti has long been a part of my life, with my first trip being in 2011, and having taken two trips in 2016, it is a place that I hold near and dear to my heart. I am fortunate enough to be part of the team that will be running across this beautiful country again in February. I have revamped my website to better tell the story (a step up from instagram). I pray that you will follow along and learn more about what WE can do to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to sharing this adventure with you.