RAH 2017: Cap Haitian - Plaisance

RAH 2017: Cap Haitian - Plaisance

A 4:34am start, a 53km run, and 21 crazy people. Today we had our first run, it was the moment all of us were waiting for, to just get going. We started at the coast a little ways from our hotel, had a pep talk, and were sent on our way. Running through a town of over a million people can be a very humbling and surreal experience, especially when the whole city is asleep. Our first 15k were flat through the heart of Cap Haitian before getting to the country and mountains.  

It is so inspiring to see this group of 43 people making their way slowly across this beautiful landscape. As we run we get to interact with people who live and work in the towns, and nothing is more heart warming than getting a friendly 'Bonjou' (good morning) from everyone on the side of the road as they look confused as a Blanc (white American) runs by. As the run went on, the sun came out and the markets started to open. This is when the run through the crowded streets became a little more difficult and fun. 

My feet were feeling good, my legs were churning, and my excitement was at its fullest. During this run we are not running for a prize, we are not being placed on a podium, the only gold we receive is a crisp golden lager called Prestige when we get to the next city. But these are not the reasons we run. We are running to raise money to put people in to dignified jobs to help end poverty. Today I was not able to finished the run, a stomach issue prevent me from running past 35km. I am feeling better and will be running tomorrow. 


Setting up bug nets in the school where we are staying in Plaisance. 


The outside of the school